Pictures from #NewinNOLA lawn bowling

We had a blast at lawn bowling last weekend of the #NewinNOLA crew. We were on the neutral ground (New Orleans term for median) on Napoleon and Coliseum.

NewinNOLA’s Chapman and Margaret were our fabulous hosts. We made new friends, learned the art of bocce and were introduced to the beer quiver. Good times.

We’ll be back at a restaurant next time. Details to come soon. Hope you can join us.

Our lawn bowling hosts - New in NOLA's Margaret and Chapman (photo by Carlie Kollath Wells/New in NOLA)

Our lawn bowling hosts – New in NOLA’s Margaret and Chapman (photo by Carlie Kollath Wells/New in NOLA)

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How to make tuna-bean salad like a New Orleans native

Patsy R. Brumfield The Southfacin' Cook

Patsy R. Brumfield
The Southfacin’ Cook

I have no idea where tuna-bean salad came from originally, but my half-French grandmother, the willful and beautiful Rosalie Dial, made it first in my experience.

It’s another summertime favorite because you can use it to stuff gorgeous, ripe red tomatoes or atop crispy cucumbers or just on crackers. It is yummy.

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Interview with a New Orleans newcomer: Lauren Adam

We’ve been running into more and more new residents in New Orleans so we’re kicking off a new feature – interview with a New Orleans newcomer. Lauren Adam is here to get us started. Lauren blogs at

Lauren Adams is a new resident in New Orleans. She moved to the city in January after spending 25 years in the Pacific Northwest. (photo via Facebook)

Lauren Adam is a new resident in New Orleans. She moved to the city in January after spending 25 years in the Pacific Northwest. (photo via Facebook)

When & why did you move to New Orleans?

I moved here in January looking for adventure. But a big factor in the adventure was that my boyfriend’s job is here. New Orleans has always been at the top of my “places to visit” list so when he asked if I wanted to move, it was a no brainer.

What do you do in New Orleans?

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Our New Orleans food adventures 5/27/13

We keep eating our way through New Orleans. Restaurants this week included Drago’s, Sukho Thai, Cafe Du Monde, Frank’s, Pat O’Brien’s and St. James Cheese Co. Plus we hit up a food truck rally in Broadmoor.
Here’s the Storify post we did about our food adventures this week.
  1. We kicked off the week with a food truck rally in Broadmoor.

Reminder: #NewinNOLA meetup today at 4

We’re ready to play bocce. Are you? NewInNOLA_Logo

We’re having a casual #NewinNOLA meetup where we will learn the art of lawn bowling.

Bring yourselves, any additional snacks or drinks you want and any other lawn games you want to add to the mix.  After/during the games, we can walk to any and all food trucks parked at Kingpin, Fat Harry’s or Ms. Mae’s.

We’ll start at 4 p.m. on the neutral ground on Napoleon near Coliseum. If you can’t find us, call/text 228.860.9481. Hope to see you!

Click here for an instruction video for bocce.

#TermiteApocalypse in New Orleans

What are those flying bugs swarming at night in New Orleans? Formosan termites. They won’t hurt people, but they are a nuisance for a few weeks in the spring. They were bad Wednesday, May 22.
#NewinNOLA tip: turn your lights off to prevent swarms at your place.
#NewinNOLA tip: Turn off your porch lights to avoid termite swarms at your door. (photo via @NewinNOLA on Instagram)

#NewinNOLA tip: Turn off your porch lights to avoid termite swarms at your door. (photo via @NewinNOLA on Instagram)

Here’s what some NOLA residents saw outside. Check out the full post on our Storify account.
  1. The Great NOLA Termite Attack of 2013 #termitescanfly?
  2. Walked out on the porch to finish a phone conversation and swallowed a termite. #NolaProblems

How to make hummus like a New Orleans native



Patsy R. Brumfield The Southfacin' Cook

Patsy R. Brumfield
The Southfacin’ Cook

Don’t laugh if my food processor looks like it came from a “Golden Girls” episode. If you look closely while the girls are eating cheesecake in their kitchen, you’ll see this one’s twin on the counter near the sink. Mine is inherited from my mother, Betty. She never envisioned it would be used to make hummus, which I’m almost sure she never tasted.

Most of us have come to love this Mediterranean/Middle Eastern condiment, which is readily available already prepared. But I prefer to make it myself to add whatever flavors I’ve got a mood for – garlic or dried oregano or fresh parsley or whatever else suits you. I suspect pineapple might even be good in it. That’s a weird idea.

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#NewinNOLA meet-up: Let’s go lawn bowling

Looking for something to do Memorial Day weekend? Join us Saturday for lawn bowling (bocce) on the neutral ground.

FYI – the neutral ground is the grassy median in the middle of the street. NewInNOLA_Logo

New in NOLA’s Margaret and Chapman will provide the bocce balls & the music. Bring yourselves, any additional snacks or drinks you want and any other lawn games you want to add to the mix.  Lawn darts is the holy grail here, but croquet and horseshoes are always winners too.

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Our New Orleans food adventures 5/20/13

New Orleans is a foodie city and we eat out quite a bit. It helps us give good recommendations when our out-of-town visitors ask us where they should eat. Here’s some photo evidence of our culinary adventures this past week or so.
Check out the full post on Storify for the prettier version of the photos.
  1. We tried Bacchanal Wine for the first time. Had a fun #NewinNOLA meet-up and eat-up.
  2. Beautiful night at #bacchanalwine. Enjoying our first experience here. #nola

Discount code for Frenchmen Art Market in New Orleans

Have you fallen in love with the local art in New Orleans yet? We have.  We’re always prowling for original pieces and yes, we stop and look at the art on the fence at Jackson Square. The art markets, like Frenchmen Art Market, also are good options  (more art markets).

image via

image via

Info from the market’s site:

Frenchmen Art Market is New Orleans’ only weekly night-time art market

We feature local and regional artists who create 100% handmade art and goods.

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